Tintagel Primary School


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The New School Class 1924

 CLASS ONE 1959    SCHOOL 1972    CLASS ONE 1977  
Reunion Photo 2002

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Photo2 Extreme right is Ivan Nute
E MAIL: Flowcrick@aol.com

School Photo 1 School Photo 2 School Photo 3

Tintagel Primary School 1896

Tintagel Primary School circa 1920

Photo Taken In 1920    
From Back Left:Lucy Hill, Ruth Symons, Ada Routley, Henry Winnacott, Sylvia Hoskin, Jacko Cann,Mollie Bluett,
Gertrude Knight, Joyce Baker, Horace Bowden,
Wallace Wickett, Maisie White, Francis Dawe, Elsie Allen, Billy Dangar, Eric Wingfield, Douglas Parsons, Winnie Taylor(Teacher), Christopher Richards and rthur Bawden,
Winnie Ham, Leonard Allen, William Hoskin, Freddie Ham, Austin Hill, Jack Allen and Jack Hoskin

Tintagel Primary School circa 1920s

Photo with Mr White, Headmaster 1920s
?,?,Albert Richards, Gordon Savage, Nell Symons, Clifton Sandercock,
John Tinney
Middle Row:Mr White (Headmaster), May Stacey, Nell Symons,
Mildred Dangar,
 Rene Dingle, Alice Cann, Dot Cann, Muriel Haycock, Gertrude Smale

Front Row: Emma Dawe, Gladys Teague, Greta Barsby, Lilly Wood,
Gladys Heard, Queenie Cann, Jessie Lang, Edith Harris, Rose Hoskin.
Sitting: Will Grose, Jack Grose

Tintagel Primary School 1930

Taken in 1930
Photo & Details thanks to Wilfred Cocks
Back Row L to R: Les Baker, Sid Bray, Ken Winnacott, Jack King,
J.H.Tonkin (Headmaster), Edric Prouse, Wilfred Cocks, Billy Dyer, Leonard Richards
Front Row: Billy Tremain, Harold Parsons, Cedric Nute, Ned Bennett, Jack Allen

Tintagel Primary School 1936

(Photo supplied by Peter Ascott)
Can you supply any names?
Back Row:,,,Tony Fry,,,
Middle row: ,,,,,Nancy Fry,,,,,
Front Row:,

Tintagel Primary School 1937

Tintagel Primary School 1938


(Photo supplied by Enid Mutton)
Back Row: David Flower, Raymond Doidge, Trevor Doidge, Ivan Irons, Keith Curtis,
 Dennis Johnson and Leonard Knight
Middle: Lena Dyer, Margaret Dangar, Alan Carter, David Cann, Norman Sandercock, Joyce Winnacott,
 Enid Mutton and Rosalie Dyer
Front: Gloria Paul, Doreen Hoskin, Celia Cann, T.C.Oates (Headmaster), Amy Parsons,
Eileen Mann and Valerie Brown

                CLASS ONE 1948             

  Class One Pupils 1948  

        CLASS ONE....THE NAMES!! Can you fill in the blanks?  
E Mail me on flowcrick@aol.com

Back Row L to R: Enid Mutton, Celia Cann, Margaret Danger, Rosalie Dyer, Lorraine Cann,
 Joyce Winnacott, Lena Dyer and Shirley Dawe
Middle Row:
Keith Curtis, Alan Carter, Doreen Hoskin, ?,?, Gloria Paul, June Tyrell,
 Valerie Brown and Amy Parsons, Marion Roberts, David Cann, Hugh Winnacott, Peter Turner 
Front Row: David Flower, Raymond Doidge, Dennis Johnson, Jack Boundy, David Hodge, 
Ivan Irons, Trevor Doidge, Norman Sandercock, Leonard Knight and Geoff Marchant.

Head Master: Mr T.C.Oates

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  Class Two Pupils 1948  

Back Row L to R: Caronne Edwards, Gladys Doidge, Valerie Knight, Rosemary Sandercock, 
Vivienne Wingfield, Yvonne Henderson, Mary Channing and Pam Burnard.
2nd Row: Doreen Lightfoot, Gillian Allen, Joan Osborne, Marlene Fry, Margaret Pearse,
 Sheila Oates, Ann Grose, May Holsworthy and Marjorie Lightfoot.
3rd Row: Roy Mitchell, Brian Johnson, Claire Wilson, Vilma Hooper, Valerie May, Ann Doidge, 
Glenda Bath, Leonard Dickens and Robert Fry
Front Row: Michael Morgan, Michael King, Aubrey Edwards, Eric Burnard, Michael Ridge,
 Charles Stapleton, Peter Smale, Donald Teague, Tony Lane and Leslie Brown.

Teacher: Mr Hunter

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  Can you fill in the blanks?
E Mail me on  flowcrick@aol.com

  The Athletics Team 1949  

Back Row L to R: Rosemary Sandercock, Rosalie Dyer, Ivan Irons, Margaret Dangar, 
Norman Sandercock, and Lena Dyer
Middle Row: Donald Teague, Leonard Knight, Leslie Brown, Sandie Henderson, June Arnold and  Billy Cook
Front Row: Aubrey Edwards, ? Oliver, Glenda Bath and Jill Cook
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Tintagel Primary School Class One 1949

Class One 1949
Back Row L to R: Leslie Brown, Brian Johnson, Aubrey Edwards, Leonard Dickens, 
Peter Turner, Jack Boundy, Donald Teague.
Middle Row: Gladys Doidge, Valerie, May Holsworthy, Ann Doidge, Mary Channing,
Yvonne Henderson, Caronne Edwards
Front Row: Pam Burnard, Vivienne Wingfield, Vilma Hooper,Valerie May, 
Doreen Lightfoot, Joan Osborne

Teacher Mr. Climo
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   Tintagel Primary School Class 3  Circa 1948

Class of 1955/56
Back Row L to R: Mrs Morrison (Teacher), June Nute, Joan Swain,
Kay Fry, Angela Reece, June Smale, Rosamund Doidge, Rosemary Rundle, Jean Goodman
2nd Row: Irene (Babs) Lightfoot, Shirley Climo, Gloria Fuge, Angela Wingfield, Glenise Cann, June Arnold,
Brenda Brown,
Ellen Hague, Jill Russell, Rosemary Dawe and Rosemary Frise
3rd Row: John Roberts, Eddie May, Ivor Channing, Mike Jory, Patrick Sleeman, Russell Turner,
Terry Johnson, Henry Addis
 Front Row: Roger Trevethan, David King, Lance Merrifield, Billy Cook, Philip Nute
     (Photo kindly supplied by Angela Dickens)
 Thanks to Roger Trevethan completing in full the class names 4th February 2008
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  Tintagel Primary School 1957

Back Row: L to R: ,Ivor Brown,,John Davey,Terence Doidge,Winnicott, Blake,,
Middle Row: Chris Cann, Ann Harris, Rich, Judy Morrison, Joan Rich,,,Shirley Swain, Clive Hickman
Front Row: ,Ann Tremain, Joan Wickett, Susan Mayson, Linda May, Monica Blake, Penelope Gregory, Margaret Barsby
(Photo kindly supplied by Shirley Swain
Can you help with any missing or incorrect details?....Webmaster
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Tintagel Primary School 1958

              Class Of 1958
Back Row L to R: Nigel Lang, Ricky Haddow, Andrew Paul, Roger Wickett, John Davey,
John Whiting, Richard Gard, David Tremain, Micheal Jewell, Peter Young

  Middle Row: Diana Simms, Diana Baker, ?, Monica Blake, Diane Morrison, Susan Mayson,
                      Margaret Barsby, Annette Lindsay, Christine Grose
    Bottom Row: Janet Gillard, Linda Baker, Sheila Sleep, Christine Gibbons, Janice Brown,
               Margaret Hewett, Susan Goff, Pauline Emes, ?, Madeline Doidge
                   Front Row: Ian Young, Paul Haddow, Desmond Allen, Robert Pollard, Andrew Barker              
                (Photo kindly supplied by Ian Young)
(Can you fill in the missing names please!)
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              Tintagel Primary School 1959                                
Class of 1959      
Back Row L to R: Andrew Dawe, David Gibbons, Peter Sleeman, Robert Munyard,
Richard Whiting, Anthony Winnicott, Paul Ferrett, Dick Thompson, Ivan Cann, Cliff Piper.
   Middle Row:
?,Brian Anderson, Lorna Blake, Christine Dawe, Monica Sleep, Penelope Credane,
Shirley Anderson, Cynthia Nute, Dawn Gregory, Nick Stedman, ?.
   Front Row: David Roseveare, Michael Adams, David Harris, Sheila Dawe, Linda Curtis,
Susan Gillard, John Baker, Ian Young, Robert Gibbons, Brian Inman, Harvey Brown.
    (Photo kindly supplied by Louise Morrison (West))
      (Thanks to Sheila Kenner for filling in most of the names)
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Tintagel Primary School 1964
Class of 1964

Back Row L to R:
Peter Gibbons, Hilary Jolly, T.Jolly, Caroline Fry, Sharon Brewer,
Iris Jones, Heather Trehane, Philip Nute
Middle Row: Paul Tuttle, Peter Rush, D. Jolly, Anita Dickens, Beverley Curtis, Julie Climo,
 Peter Setchell, Kevin Anderson, Shaun Boundy, David Brown.
Front row: Graham Sleep, Nigel Rundle, David Harris, Peter Burnett,
William Smale, Terry Anderson, Alan Prouse)
(Photo kindly supplied by Marion Harris)
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Tintagel Primary School Christmas Party 1970

Party held at Tintagel Social Hall
Were YOU there?

The School of 1972
School Photo 1972
Back row L to R: Michelle Morgan, Debbie Morgan, Julia Hodge, Karen Knight, Sherrie Irons, Alison Dykes, ?, Wendy Johnson, Susan Richards, James Fry, Michael Burnett, Jack Smale, ?,
Ian Greaves, Chris Elston, Peter Hancock, Shaun Keep, Ian King, Andrew Dishman,
Johnny Brewer, ?

Row from Back:L to R Adrian Nute, Dougie Gelsthorpe, Cook twins, Peter Rich,
Kevin Edwards, Richard Jones, Phillip Brooks, Glynn Roberts, Peter Dyer, ?
,Ellis, ?,Ellis,
Clare Ferrett, Mandy Holt, Sally Tremain, Amanda Morey, Karen Dickens, Cindy Grace,
Sarah Young, Sharon Boundy, Joanne Flew, ?, ?, Marilyn Lyle
3rd row from
Back:L to R:  Elizabeth Hodge, Tracey Menhinnick, Kathy Beckford, Rebecca Lock, ?,  Elizabeth Hawke, ?, Kevin Jones, Trevor Beckford, Leslie Burnard, Michael Severn,
Mark Marfle
et, Hedley Venning, Andrew Elston, ?, Gary Arnall, Martin Flew, Adrian Hodge, Tracey Philp, Joanne Langley, Amanda Nute, ?, Julie Edwards, ?. Julia Davey, ?,  ?
Seated:Elizabeth Venning,
Sarah Patterson, Hilary Cook, Gail Heard, Susan Harris, Wendy Rich, Mrs. Wingfield, Mrs. Hoadley, Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Dickens, Mrs. Morrison, Mr. Sillitoe (Headmaster),  Mrs. Jones, ?, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Smale, Mrs. Marfleet, Angelique Kivell, Marilyn Martin, Jo Olde, Sandie Fry, ?, Ingrid Morgan, Mahalah Brown, Angela Trehane
Kneeling:Keith Hoadley, Mark Rich, Robert Brooks, Joey Dyer, Martin Record, Tim Little, Robert Edwards, Nugel Martin,Adam Fry, Ian Horton, Nick Langley,Melanie Holt,
 Alison Brooks, Sarah Richardson,
Penny Severn, ?,Simon Nute, Tim Flower, Robert Edwards, David Burnard, Helen Fry, Debbie Flew, Janet King, Jeremy Knight, Angela Greenhalgh

Front,sitting cross-legged:  Chris Rundle, Joey Dyer, Andrew Richards, ?,
Andrew Parsons, Adam Poulton

Photo Kindly Supplied By Sue Moth
Can You Fill In The Missing Names?

          Tintagel Primary School 1977

        Class Of 1977
Back Row L to R: Helen Fry, David Burnard, Guy Havord, Debbie Flew, Simon Nute,
Amanda Nute, Tim Flower, ?.
Middle Row: Gail Heard, Sarah Patterson, Dawn Wightman, Anthony Upright, ?, Polly Cullinan,
William Pickering, Joey Dyer, Ingrid Morgan, Sara Waite.
Front Row : Madeline Keen, Johnny Fry, Jane Galley, Sharon Needham, Andrew Richards,
 Samantha Burns, Andrew Parsons, Wendy Rich.                                               
       Headmaster: James Sillitoe
         (Photo kindly supplied by Tim Flower)
          (Can You Give Me The Missing Names?)
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           SCHOOL REUNION JULY 5th 2002
             Pupils From The 1930s to 1950s 

          Back row: LtoR: Robert Clay, Derek Flew, Eric Nicholls, Eric Dawe, Wilfred Cocks,
      Michael Cocks, Denzil Flew, Yolande Adams (Wingfield), Worden Deacon
         Front Row: LtoR: Rosemary Deacon, Clarice Clay(Hoskin), Winnie Cole, Ruth Gregory,
         Leonora Mansfield (Wingfield), Jack Wingfield, Joan Nicholls (Boney),
          Rosemary Weeks (Avery), Hazel Cocks, (Yvonne Sleeman (Wilks).

          Leonora Mansfield & Brother Jack Wingfield       A Big Blow For A Birthday Boy       Denzil & Derek with Frank
               Leonora & Jack          Jack Wingfield Celebrated      Denzil & Derek Flew
                                                                His 92nd Birthday         & Frank(Pard)Sandercock

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E Mail me on flowcrick@aol.com

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